Four Steps Trading Course


JFC Self Adaptive Indicator Signals

Entry Point Exits

Entry Pt LX

Inputs:  Sens(2), Fade(0);

This signal will cause a system to exit a long trade from any buy signal.

The exit will occur at the most recent support point as defined by the JFC Entry Point Indicator. The fade input is also available for this signal. See the manual section entitled Buy Stops and Sell Stops – The Ultimate Purpose of the JFC Entry Point Indicator for further details on the use of the entry point functions to define support and resistance.

Entry Pt SX

Inputs:  Sens(2), Fade(0);

This signal will cause a system to exit a short trade from any sell signal.

The exit will occur at the most recent resistance point as defined by the JFC Entry Point Indicator. The fade input is also available for this signal.

Entry Pt Exits

Inputs:  Sens(2), Fade(0);

This signal will effect a both a long and a short exit from any buy signal or any sell signal.

The exits will at the most recent support or resistance point, depending on the current market position. The fade input is also available for this signal.